Sunday, September 30, 2007

NVPC Volunteer Orientation on 27 Sept 2007

The NVPC Volunteer Orientation Talk took place on Sept 27. The day-long rain did not dampen the spirits of the folks who wanted to do their part for society and turned up for the talk. There were as many supporters from ASH to provide moral support to our presenter, Edmund.

Edmund started off with an introduction about volunteering and volunteering at ASH. His 3 C's concept was an interesting introduction to ASH.

1st C - Chalet: Going to ASH every Saturday is like going to a chalet

2nd C - Care: To provide care to all the old folks who are in the home

3rd C - Companionship: Not just for the old folks who eagarly await our arrival every Saturday at 2.30pm, but also companionship among the volunteers, which we see blossom with every activity held.

Edmund's passion towards the old folks, towards volunteering, was infectious and it came through during the talk. People who heard him could "feel" his sincerity and towards the end of the night, there were several potential volunteers hoovering around him trying to find out more about ASH.

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Serious looking Edmund

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Presentation on the activities in ASH

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Animated Edmund

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And finally..whoever's interested in signing up, please join us every Saturday at Tampines, St 44, at 2.30 pm at All Saints Home! :)

1 comment:

Roger Soh said...

I find that the photo overlapping on the right column is distracting. It will be good if the photo width is reduced to 400px.